Rehearsals for the Spring Festival Evening in many places are now "subject three" controversial, and it may be more tolerant of the network hot stalk.

Rehearsals for the Spring Festival Evening in many places are now "subject three" controversial, and it may be more tolerant of the network hot stalk.

  Recently, the rehearsal of the Spring Festival Evening in # Multi-place rushed to the hot search, which triggered a hot discussion among netizens. Among them, the most widely spread video is the dance clip of Song Xiaofeng, a disciple of Zhao Benshan, who danced in subject three while recording the Spring Festival Evening sketch on Anhui TV. "old terrier new stalks, used properly, are good stalks." Gao Hailong, the director of the sketch, once said in an interview that it is the plot need to set up Song Xiaofeng to jump in the third subject in the sketch, not for the sake of adding. This has caused many people to think, can the network hot stalk really be on the elegant stage? The author believes that we might as well be more tolerant of these network hotspots.

  On the evening of January 18th, some media posted a vote on the social platform about "Can you accept the integration of internet hot stalks into sketches?". Up to now, the voting has attracted nearly 20,000 participants, among whom 75% netizens said it was "unacceptable". Many netizens pointed out in the comment area that "there is no innovation in the Spring Festival Evening program" and "the dance of subject three is very rustic".



Screenshot of social platform

  However, it is this subject three dance that netizens think is "very earthy". Now it has gone abroad and gained many fans overseas. On December 15th last year, after the dancers of the Royal Russian Ballet performed Swan Lake on tour in China, the music of the dance of subject three suddenly sounded at the scene. The male dancers on the stage and the female dancers in tutus danced in unison with the rhythm and singing of modern electronic music. This impromptu performance also won warm cheers from the audience. From this point of view, there are still many people who have a positive attitude towards the dance of subject three. Even professional dancers are performing subject three, so why can’t we try it in the Spring Festival Evening program?

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Professional Dancer Performance Subject III Image from Tide News

  Subject III is not only interesting in itself, but also meets the "emotional" needs of the masses, which is one of the reasons for its popularity. "It is normal to add the current popular paragraphs to the new Quyi, which can be closer to the masses and close to the times." Jiang Kun, a famous actor, is more open-minded about the Internet. He said frankly: "The development of Quyi should have kept up with the times, and some forms of Quyi are inevitably eliminated because of backwardness. This is normal." Easy-to-learn movements, dynamic music, exaggerated dance steps … As long as you follow the performers to a dance, joy will come to you immediately. Perhaps with the re-dissemination of the Spring Festival Evening, subject three can also bring the jubilation of the limited edition of the Spring Festival.

  However, it is not difficult to find out the motivation of netizens’ criticism. In fact, many netizens criticized not subject III itself, but the similarity and lack of innovation of Spring Festival Evening programs in various places. For such a Spring Festival Gala, netizens have long had "expected" aesthetic fatigue. Everyone’s expectations are the same. Netizens hope to see more exciting works in the Spring Festival Evening, so that the new stalks of the Spring Festival Evening can lead the network, instead of simply copying and pasting the hot stalks of the network onto the stage of the Spring Festival Evening. Of course, whether the addition of subject three can really bring better results to the presentation of sketches still needs to wait for the audience’s feedback after the official broadcast of the Spring Festival Evening program.

  In fact, in addition to the appearance of subject three in the Spring Festival Evening sketch, the network hot stalk is infiltrating into all aspects of our lives. At the end of each year, Chewing Words, known as "Woodpecker in the Language Forest", will publish the top ten buzzwords of the year. In recent years, more and more network terms from short video platforms, such as "take a child" and "conspicuous package", have been successfully selected. Huang Anjing, editor-in-chief, said in an interview: "Be tolerant of online language." Many online hot words have become an indispensable part of daily communication because of their convenience and easy to understand.

  "Yangchun Baixue" has gradually entered the homes of ordinary people. Why can’t the "Xialiba people" ascend to the elegant hall? As long as the sketch program conforms to the positive energy of society, adding some "earthy flavor" to the sketch may have a different taste. We might as well be more tolerant and more encouraging to these internet hotheads. Of course, I also hope that the sketch actors and directors can listen to the comments of netizens and adopt their reasonable suggestions. After all, everyone’s original intention is to present the works to the audience better.

  (Reporter Dong Shentao)


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