"Rebel" "with fire" Wang Zhiwen, Wang Yang and other powerful factions, on the correct way to open spy war drama?

"Rebel" "with fire" Wang Zhiwen, Wang Yang and other powerful factions, on the correct way to open spy war drama?

Many people define the breakthrough of "The Rebel" as another work with both reputation and popularity that the domestic spy war drama finally ushered in after "Pretender" in 2015. The cold market and high evaluation can be seen.

"The stamina is too strong, and I suddenly feel like I have no sustenance", "After watching the play, my chest is stuffy and empty, which is called electronic lovelorn by popular science" … On June 26th, the membership of "Rebel" closed at iQiyi, which not only triggered a discussion upsurge, but also triggered a lot of netizens’ disappointment. Since its launch, this drama has indeed left a high-spirited upward curve in the market.

In the viewing dimension, the attention of the live broadcast of the drama continued to rise on the cool cloud data, breaking 2% continuously and continuing to lead the market; In terms of network popularity, "Rebel" won 20 times of cat’s eye popularity, and the same data is bright on data platforms such as lighthouse and bone flower; On the platform of Iqiyi, the popularity of the drama successfully exceeded 9000 on the eve of the closing ceremony, becoming the hottest TV series on the platform after "My Wife".

The social platform has also made great achievements. Nearly 200,000 people on Douban gave a score of 8.3, and the comment base and word-of-mouth situation successfully ranked among the top of the annual drama series. The cumulative number of topics read in Weibo has exceeded 15 billion, and topics related to plots, characters and actors frequently rank in the forefront of Weibo’s hot search list. In addition, the play scored a Zhihu score of 8.9, and the main topic in Tik Tok was played more than 700 million times.

In addition to the outstanding achievements in the drama series, under the cordial interpretation of "Drag King", "Fox King" and "Entrapped King",The actors also ushered in a comprehensive circle.In the list of artists’ rising energy released by De Tawen for two weeks in a row, Zhu Yilong leads with absolute advantage, and Wang Zhiwen and Tanya are also among the top in the list; Powerful actors such as Wang Yang and Zhu Zhu also set off a wave of attention in the mass market with their superb acting skills.

In fact, there is no shortage of spy war themes in the domestic drama market in recent years, but there are many reasons such as idolization. The market has suffered from not having a high-quality spy war drama for a long time. Last year, there were many TV dramas that failed in word of mouth, which consumed market enthusiasm. Under such a basic background, the comprehensive breakthrough of The Rebel is more and more worth exploring.

"Secret Service F4" leads the circle tide,

Does characterization make an "atypical" spy war drama?


Goodbye, Zuo Qiuming, Goodbye, Old Gu, Goodbye, Chen Moqun, Goodbye, Old Ji, Goodbye, Lan Xinjie … As the actor of Lin Nansheng, Zhu Yilong bid farewell to everyone at the Weibo, which is also a "knife after knife" engraved on the hearts of the audience. Compared with the so-called professional "drama method" and professional drama criticism, the audience’s pursuit of drama may be more able to see the key to the breakthrough of a drama, which is exactly what "Rebel" says:figure.

The importance of characterization in spy war dramas goes without saying. The most typical ones are Zaitian An, Yu Zecheng, Ming Lou and other classic figures who are still active in the audience’s minds even after many years, and become the soul inheritance of spy war dramas. Different from the "werewolf killing" in most spy war dramas on the market,Under the setting of "All winning numbers" in The Rebel, not only the test of characterization is pushed to the extreme, but also the audience’s eyes are focused on the characters themselves.

The brilliance of group images is one of the greatest features of The Rebel.The curtain of the story is opened with a strong plot lens covering many elements, such as leaks, spies, arrests, etc. The young and immature Lin Mosheng, the sinister power Chen Moqun, the low-key and rigorous Gu Shenyan, and Wang Shi ‘an with a workplace script come on stage in turn, and the characters’ personalities, identities and images are all on the screen in just a few episodes.

From the perspective of the market, although the characters with the extreme opening have not escaped from the sample mode, they have also quickly poked the cool points of the young audience’s pursuit of drama, and the tagged interpretation of the king of fox, the king of drag, the king of involution and the king of fishing has completed the first wave of The Rebel.Of course, all these are inseparable from the superb acting skills of Wang Zhiwen and Wang Yang, especially the verbal contest between Chen Moqun and Gu Shenyan in the early stage, which is an important reason for the rapid fermentation of the drama in the early stage.

With the growth of Lin Nansheng as the traction, Zhu Yizhen, Lao Ji and Lan Xinjie appeared one after another, and the relationship between characters began to be fully laid out. Lin Nansheng’s deliberate approach to concealing his identity, the arrival of the all-round anti-Japanese war, the change of "workplace discourse power" in Shanghai Station, and so on, climaxed one after another, which not only further placed the fate and choice of characters in the context of the times, made the group images more real and vivid, but also laid the foundation for later emotional resonance with the audience.

This kind of bedding eventually formed a stable and strong emotion among Lin Nansheng, the characters and the audience in the fate choices such as sacrifice and betrayal. Gu Shenyan used the crime of real corruption to get rid of his identity suspicion, Lao Ji set an example for the successful transmission of news, and Chen Moqun kept swinging for self-preservation, all of which made the audience feel the hero’s emotions while having the most direct emotional expression for the characters, and finally strengthened the outbreak.

From debut, growth to the end, through Lin Nansheng’s growth, he saw all kinds of sentient beings. Everyone is a small existence surrounded by the torrent of the times, and he is also a complete individual who strives to pursue ideals and beliefs. The choice and transformation are more quietly soaked in growth. What broke the guesses of countless audiences was the question of how Lin Nansheng joined the Party."Rebel" did not forcibly graft love, friendship, mentor, etc., and it was quite eye-catching.

It is worth noting that the Traitor also abandons the spy war drama routines such as "the protagonist’s aura" and "the villain’s intelligence", especially the shaping of Wang Shi ‘an and Chen Moqun, which fully leads the public’s emotional trend; At the same time, the drama series is also vivid in the portrayal of supporting roles, and the audience’s discussion radiates from Lin Nansheng and Gu Shenyan to Lan Xinjie, Zhu Yizhen’s father, takeaway brother and other characters, which also illustrates this point.

Guided by the characterization and the relationship between characters, the history spanning ten years is injected into it, and the outing of The Rebel is originally an "unconventional road". You can use the words of netizens to set the tone for it: "It may be too narrow to describe this drama with a spy war drama. Most spy war dramas may focus more on the spy part, but this drama depicts all kinds of people in that turbulent era, and also gives a good answer to why people and history choose our party, which is the most brilliant. "

Powerful actors are sought after again,

New enlightenment from domestic spy war idol drama?


The success of characters is inseparable from the shaping of actors.The appearance of "Rebel" is a market recognition of powerful actors.The grand occasion of the last spy war drama can be traced back to the popularity of Jin Dong, Wang Kai and Liu Mintao in The Pretender. Only in recent years, idolization has seized the spy war drama market, and the low-scoring works that have come together are also overdrawing the audience’s patience.

At this time, the acting reward contributed by "Rebel" has become a clear stream. In fact, Zhu Yilong’s starring role initially made the play labeled as "spy war idol drama", but he still delivered a satisfactory answer sheet. In his view, Lin Nansheng is the epitome of the passionate youth of the times. They have firm beliefs and determination to serve the country, and will continue to make themselves strong through efforts to do their best to protect the people and protect the country. This is also different from his previous interpretation of the role.

Because he firmly believes that the characters are real, he is more inclined to let himself feel and immerse himself in the characters."You don’t have to deliberately design or do anything, just walk into the character, really face him, face all the people you meet along the way, and feel him."In an interview with the media a few days ago, Zhu Yilong explained the mental process of his performance.

However, how to interpret Lin Nansheng’s growth line is still challenging in his view. How to survive in Shanghai station as a fledgling needs to pave the way to make the characters grow more reasonable. Therefore, in the play, we saw Lin Nansheng, who was highly nervous in the early stage, and also felt his multiple emotions such as confusion, firmness and forbearance in the middle, especially in dealing with the scenes where comrades died, which explained the characters’ emotions extremely accurately and with great appeal.

The performances of powerful actors such as Wang Yang and Zhu Zhu are even more amazing. When interviewed by the media, they all showed a commonality:This paper analyzes the characters in many aspects and levels to find a reasonable foothold for their actions and behaviors.Chen Moqun’s professionalism, cruelty and arrogance, blue-hearted female charm, being a mother is rigid, and times are suffering.

Constructing the soul of spy war drama by characterization and character relationship, the mutual achievement of actors and characters is undoubtedly a key stroke, which also allows the audience to really share the same fate with the characters in the process of chasing the drama. "I sing men and women equally" and "I look forward to the day when I will be commensurate with my comrades". These shouts from the characters also quickly attracted attention on social media, and paying tribute to the heroes and remembering the martyrs became the main theme of the drama.

Besides characterization, the originality of The Rebel in creation and production is equally important.Judging from the overall story, although it is the setting of "all the staff are bright wolves", it also has the strong plot, fast pace and strong suspense of spy war drama. Even in the emotional treatment of the male and female hosts, there is no usurpation of the host’s role or water injection, but it serves the growth of the characters and the theme cleanly, and the twists and turns of love mixed with revolutionary beliefs are even more touching.

Another thing worthy of recognition is the details, lens language and service in the spy war drama, which has also become a point that netizens talk about.For example, the benches and backs that appear many times in the play are not only the locations of "joints", but also indicate the fate of the characters and render the atmosphere. The foreign families who appeared on the benches in the park twice also set off the situation of the Chinese people at that time. The envy and bitterness in Lao Ji’s eyes are equally touching.

"The Rebel, from the director, the screenwriter to the actor, is all about details. Everyone will dig at a detail, a line, a reaction, a look and even a closing action repeatedly, hoping to convey more information to the audience and have more and richer expressions," Zhu Yilong said. The market will not live up to a careful production, and the breakthrough of "Rebel" is just like this.

Returning to the market, the Rebel still faces some doubts and controversies, but its atypical breakthrough still gives many feasible lessons to the domestic spy war drama market. After all, the next high-quality spy war drama with both reputation and popularity cannot wait for six or seven years. According to the incomplete statistics of the media, there will be seven spy war dramas on the line in the second half of the year. Will 2021 be the year of the outbreak of domestic spy war dramas? We are also looking forward to it.


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